e Federal (and European) Government | Industries - Society | Möbius

Federal (and European) Government

Partner of federal and European government organisations for over 25 years. Together we build a better world.

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Ensuring a lasting impact

In a rapidly changing world, we are challenged to live together differently, to think differently, to work differently, and we must constantly reinvent ourselves. Together with our clients, we help build an agile government capable of meeting the challenges of the future.

Our work spans various topics: from operational challenges and organisational design to strategy and policy. We work end-to-end and ensure lasting impact. Together we create tangible results that contribute positively to our society.

Your challenges, our expertise

Meet our Federal (and European) government experts

Picture of Jan Bellaert

Jan Bellaert

Picture of Laura Vanhee

Laura Vanhee

Contact our experts

We help to address the most urgent business needs and challenges. Our consultants focus on straight impact and maximum efficiency.

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Federal (and European) Government

Partner of federal and European government organisations for over 25 years. Together we build a better world.

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We provide guidance in developing, operationalising and monitoring policy, in defining strategy and in organisational management through an appropriate organisational model.