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By smartly using the already available data we want to add value to the healthcare sector.

Get the maximum value from your available data
From a focus on Value Based Healthcare organisations want to work on more and better care with fewer costs. Healthcare organisations already have many data points that can be used to help, but the potential of learnings through the available data is still underutilised.
That’s why we support healthcare organisations to get the maximum value from their available data with the help of our Value4Health dashboards.
We help to get the maximum value out of already available data by data-analytics and benchmarking for the following aspects
Insights in market share and growth
The interactive dashboard supports hospitals and networks with their strategic care plan by creating an overview of all valuable information.
It provides more insights into the market share for each MDC, APR-DRG, specialty and the evolution of it.
Insights in costs and profit
This Value4Health dashboard offers insights into the costs and revenues of care pathways.
This unique tool offers the possibility to perform detailed benchmarks with other hospitals and will also provide the improvement potential.
Insights in capacity
The capacity dashboards provide support to hospitals by delivering insight into the operating room capacity, prediction of the occupation of the hospital wards and by stabilising the duration of the stay of patients. In this way, the optimal capacity can be fully utilised.
Insights in doctor’s fees, costs and activities
The Value4Health dashboards will give doctor’s insights into care pathways, income and costs. We also visualise the impact of low variable care in a custom-made dashboard. This gives doctor’s a better tool to continuously improve the way of working.
Download our mini-guide on Data Analytics
While many organisations are still struggling to build action-focused dashboards for their business, others are already building enterprise-wide data lakes and letting bots do the work employees were doing last year. However, what all these organisations have in common is that they are on a journey. A journey of data analytics that often has its origin in the simple observation: I’ve got data, now what?
Read our mini-guide on data analytics as your companion on this journey.
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We help to address the most urgent business needs and challenges. Our consultants focus on straight impact and maximum efficiency.
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