e Healthcare | Möbius

Healthcare sector

Our multidisciplinary team supports healthcare institutions in their strategic challenges by constantly striving to maximise the value and minimise the costs of care.


Four core values

The Belgian healthcare sector is under severe pressure and faces many challenges and opportunities in terms of professionalisation and collaboration.

Möbius supports this through its substantive expertise and by taking into account four central core values: we strive for a culture of excellence in terms of processes and behaviour, our proposals have an analytical character and simulate alternative scenarios where necessary, we pay attention to change management within projects and we connect as many stakeholders as possible within our network.


Life Sciences

Through our expertise in both healthcare and manufacturing, we support Pharma, MedTech, BioTech en BioMedTech companies in the challenges they face today.​

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Primary Care

We offer support for residential care centres, institutions for persons with disabilities, mutual health organisations, home care institutions, care companies, …

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The main challenge for hospitals is realising (better) care at lower costs. We offer our expertise in hospital (networks) and doctor assocations.

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Health Policy

We provide guidance in developing, operationalising and monitoring policy, in defining strategy and in organisational management through an appropriate organisational model.

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Contact our experts

We help to address the most urgent business needs and challenges. Our consultants focus on straight impact and maximum efficiency.