e Our approach | Möbius

Our approach

In order to achieve the best possible result, we emphasise a rigorous and qualitative execution of our projects. At Möbius we want to implement solutions in close collaboration with you.

How we work

Approach Möbius

With our flexible approach we guarantee that every project isn't carved in stone.

The approach and planning can be adjusted based on your needs during project implementation. We place a lot of emphasis on team participation and co-creation. We know that one size doesn't fit all.

With our backpack full of knowledge, tools and skills, we embrace the unknown and uncertainty. Together with your team, we start a co-creation journey and shape the unique (sometimes unexpected) answer to your challenge.

At the end of every project we collaborate closely with your team to guarantee a real transfer of knowledge and to embed the results in your organisation.

Our project approach

Complex challenges are not transformed with a simple linear approach.
It takes curiosity, creativity, cleverness and iteration to deliver the quality we stand for.

  • We take the time to explore the full context to get a systemic understanding.
  • We have a layered approach: involving your individual collaborators, your teams and the broader context. We involve the whole system if needed.
  • We design, try, fail, learn fast and try again. Experiments are crucial to go beyond the boundaries of what we believe is possible.




A combination of analysis and observation allows us to grasp your current way of working. Being a spin-off from Ghent University, we value evidence-based work highly.

Meanwhile, we identify growth points that, in addition to the project to be realised, help you to work in the direction of the desired change. As a result, we teach your team to look critically at their own operations.



Change is a gradual process that we must initiate as quickly as possible. Rather than talking about problems, we try to identify them in practice and resolve them quickly. A large part of our time is focused on effective change.

Improvement is achieved in an iterative way, step by step we elaborate proposals in order to test them afterwards.



Improvement proposals that have been tested offer more guarantees of success on a larger scale. 

Our emphasis is on permanent and incremental change not on one-off events. In this way we make the organisation  dynamic and self-learning

We provide the right tools for follow-up. Training and coaching of employees is often part of this.

Our people and structure

Kanaal Z testimonial - Luc Baetens and Laura Vanhee

Colleagues Luc and Laura gave a brief summary about Möbius on Kanaal Z in the programme "Alle zaken op een rijtje".

Take a look at what drives us and how we go about our work to make the difference for you!